Get a receivable's history record by ID


Returns a single record from the change history of the specified accounts receivable document.

Path parameters


ID of the history record to return. You can get these IDs from GET /receivables/{receivable_id}/history.


ID of the accounts receivable document whose history you want to get.


Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.

The ID of the entity that owns the requested resource.


Successful Response

idstringformat: "uuid"

A unique ID of the history record.


An object containing additional information about the event or change. The object structure varies based on the event_type. In receivable_created and receivable_updated events, event_data is an empty object {}.


The type of the event or change. See Event types.

receivable_idstringformat: "uuid"

ID of the receivable document that was changed or triggered an event.


UTC date and time when the event or change occurred.

current_pdf_urlstringOptionalformat: "uri">=1 character<=65536 characters

A URL of the PDF file that shows the document state after the change. Available only for the following event types: receivable_created, receivable_updated, status_changed, and payment_received. In other event types the current_pdf_url value is null.

In payment_received events, the current_pdf_url value is available only in case of full payments and only if the entity setting generate_paid_invoice_pdf is true.

Note that Monite generates PDFs asynchronously. This means that the initial value of current_pdf_url for the abovementioned events right after they occurred is usually null and the value gets populated later after the PDF document has been generated.

entity_user_idstringOptionalformat: "uuid"

ID of the entity user who made the change or trigger the event, or null if it was done by using a partner access token.
