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CreditNotesTable is a React component that displays all credit notes created by an entity. The component shows each credit note's amount, status, issuance date, and counterpart to which they were sent.



To access this component, the entity user must have read permissions for the receivable object. For more information, see List of permissions.


`CreditNotesTable` component preview.

CreditNotesTable component preview.


Use in the CreditNotesTable component in your application as shown:

import { CreditNotesTable } from "@monite/sdk-react";


// TODO: This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const CreditNotesTablePage = () => {
 return  <CreditNotesTable />


The following table shows all CreditNotesTable component properties, their types, and description:

onRowClickfunctionThis callback takes the identifier of the clicked row as a parameter and is triggered when a credit note table row is clicked.

See also