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Easily build invoicing, payables, and other finance
functionalities within a matter of days instead of months

{   “type”: “invoice”,   “currency”: “EUR”,   “counterpart_id”: “0414f84c-b039-4203-b09b-e42b49245435”,   “line_items”: [     {       “quantity”: 1,       “product_id”: “8755c86a-d630-4920-b6fd-fd2917d87dfb”,       “vat_rate_id”: “479155c3-0995-4689a3cf-7482ea5132a9”     }   ],   “payment_terms_id”: “e2cbbb5f-15e6-4b22-a942-8f51b7a81118”,   “vat_exempt”: false,   “entity_bank_account”: {     “iban”: “9128309180391”,     “bic”: “18239012”,     “bank_name”: “Omega Bank”   } }        

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