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Partner Portal


The ProductDetails component renders the interface for creating new products and viewing product information. It displays details of an existing product item and allows a user to edit the product.


`PayablesDetails` component preview.

ProductDetails component preview.


You can use the ProductDetails component to create, view, edit, and delete details of an existing product. To create a new product, use the ProductDetails component without any props as shown:

import { Dialog, ProductDetails } from "@monite/sdk-react"


// TODO: This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const ProductDetailsPage = () => {
  return (
    <Dialog open alignDialog="right">
      <ProductDetails /> 

To view details of an existing product, use the ProductDetails component with the id prop as shown:

import { Dialog, ProductDetails } from "@monite/sdk-react"


// TODO: This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const ProductDetailsPage = () => {
  return (
    <Dialog open alignDialog="right">
      <ProductDetails id="PRODUCT_ID" /> 

To edit details of an existing product, you must provide the product ID via the id prop and set the initialView prop to Edit mode.

import { Dialog, ProductDetails } from "@monite/sdk-react"


// TODO: This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const ProductDetailsPage = () => {
  return (
    <Dialog open alignDialog="right">


defaultValuesobjectThis object is used to set default form values when creating a new product.
idstringThis is a required prop that accepts the UUID of the product to be displayed.
initialView("edit"| "read")The initialView prop determines whether the component is rendered in Read or Edit mode. Defaults to read.
onCreatedfunctionThis callback is triggered when a new product is created.
onDeletedfunctionThis callback is triggered after a product is deleted.
onEditfunctionThis callback is triggered when a product is edited.
onUpdatefunctionThis callback is triggered when a product information is updated.