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ReceivablesTable is a React component that displays all accounts receivable documents - invoices, quotes, and credit notes - created by an entity. The component supports searching, filtering, and pagination between different receivables.


`ReceivablesTable` component preview.

ReceivablesTable component preview.


Use in the ReceivablesTable component in your application as shown:

import { ReceivablesTable } from "@monite/sdk-react";


// This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const ReceivablesTablePage = () => {
  return <ReceivablesTable />


onRowClickfunctionThis callback takes the identifier of the clicked row as a parameter and is triggered when a receivables table row is clicked.
onTabChangefunctionThis callback is triggered any time the component's tab is changed.
tab("0"| "1" | "2")This prop determines the currently active tab on the ReceivablesTable component. Each value represents either "Quotes", "Invoices", or "Credit notes" tabs.