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The UserRoleDetails component is a comprehensive React component that renders the interface for managing the permission sets of specific user roles.



To access this component, the entity user must have read permissions for the role object. To create, edit, and delete the user roles, they must also have create, update, or delete permissions for the role object. For more information, see List of permissions.


`TagsTable` component preview.

UserRoleDetails component preview.


Use in the UserRoleDetails component in your application to view the details of the existing user roles as shown:

import { UserRoleDetails } from "@monite/sdk-react"

// This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
const UserRoleDetailsPage = () => {
  return <UserRoleDetails />;


The following table shows all UserRoleDetails component properties, their types, and descriptions:

idstringThis prop accepts the UUID of the user role details to be displayed.
onCreatedfunctionThis callback is triggered when a new user role is created.
onUpdatedfunctionThis callback is triggered when a user role information is updated.