Retrieve aggregated statistics for payables, including total amount and count, both overall and by status.
For more flexible configuration and retrieval of other data types, use GET /analytics/payables
The ID of the entity that owns the requested resource.
Return only payables created in Monite after the specified date and time. The value must be in the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm[:ss[.ffffff]][Z|±hh:mm].
Return only payables created in Monite before the specified date and time.
Return only payables created in Monite on or after the specified date and time.
Return only payables created in Monite before or on the specified date and time.
Return only payables that have the specified status.
To query multiple statuses at once, use the status__in
parameter instead.
Return only payables that have the specified statuses.
To specify multiple statuses, repeat this parameter for each value: status__in=draft&status__in=new
Return only payables with specified IDs. Valid but nonexistent IDs do not raise errors but produce no results.
To specify multiple IDs, repeat this parameter for each value: id__in=<id1>&id__in=<id2>
Return only payables with the exact specified total amount. The amount must be specified in the minor units of currency. For example, $12.5 is represented as 1250.
Return only payables whose total amount (in minor units) exceeds the specified value.
Return only payables whose total amount (in minor units) is less than the specified value.
Return only payables whose total amount (in minor units) is greater than or equal to the specified value.
Return only payables whose total amount (in minor units) is less than or equal to the specified value.
Return only payables with the specified amount.
Return only payables whose amount (in minor units) exceeds the specified value.
Return only payables whose amount (in minor units) is less than the specified value.
Return only payables whose amount (in minor units) is greater than or equal to the specified value.
Return only payables whose amount (in minor units) is less than or equal to the specified value.
Return only payables that use the specified currency.
Return only payables received from counterparts with the specified name (exact match, case-sensitive).
For counterparts of type = individual
, the full name is formatted as first_name last_name
Return only payables received from counterparts whose name contains the specified string (case-sensitive).
Return only payables received from counterparts whose name contains the specified string (case-insensitive).
Apply the icontains
condition to search for the specified text in the document_id
and counterpart_name
fields in the payables.
Return payables that are due on the specified date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Return payables that are due after the specified date (exclusive, YYYY-MM-DD).
Return payables that are due before the specified date (exclusive, YYYY-MM-DD).
Return payables that are due on or after the specified date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Return payables that are due before or on the specified date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Return a payable with the exact specified document number (case-sensitive).
The document_id
is the user-facing document number such as INV-00042, not to be confused with Monite resource IDs (id
Return only payables whose document number (document_id
) contains the specified string (case-sensitive).
Return only payables whose document number (document_id
) contains the specified string (case-insensitive).
Return only payables created in Monite by the entity user with the specified ID.
Return only payables received from the counterpart with the specified ID.
Counterparts that have been deleted but have associated payables will still return results here because the payables contain a frozen copy of the counterpart data.
If the specified counterpart ID does not exist and never existed, no results are returned.
Return only payables coming from the specified source.
Return only payables with specific OCR statuses.
Search for a payable by the identifier of the line item associated with it.
Search for a payable by the identifier of the purchase order associated with it.
Return only payables assigned to the project with the specified ID.
Valid but nonexistent project IDs do not raise errors but return no results.
Return only payables whose project_id
include at least one of the project_id with the specified IDs. Valid but nonexistent project IDs do not raise errors but produce no results.
Return only payables whose tags
include at least one of the tags with the specified IDs. Valid but nonexistent tag IDs do not raise errors but produce no results.
Successful Response
The total count of payables across all statuses.
A list of aggregated items, each representing a status with its associated sum of the amount field and count.
The total sum of the amount field for all payables across all statuses.