Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and breaking changes in the current version of Monite API.


This page provides an ongoing record of updates, improvements, and new features. Stay informed on the latest changes and enhancements as we continue to develop and optimize our platform.

June 19, 2024

  • CC and BCC in receivables email: Added the ability to include a list of email addresses using the recipients field in the payload the /receivables/{receivable_id}/send and /receivables/{receivable_id}/send_test_reminder endpoints. Using this field, entities can include email addresses to which they want to send a copy or a blind copy of the email.

May 22, 2024

  • Automatic matching of purchase orders with payables. Every time a payable is created or updated, Monite automatically tries to link this payable to its corresponding purchase order, which is already created in the system. For such cases, the field purchase_order_id was added to the payable object. To configure this behavior, the field allow_purchase_order_autolinking (default value equals to true) was added to the entity settings.
  • Added a new original_file_url field in responses for invoices, quotes, and credit notes that returns the receivables PDF in the entity’s language. The field was also added to the response of the GET /receivables/{receivable_id}/pdf_link endpoint.

May 8, 2024

  • Document number customization. We added the ability to customize the document numbers for all document types. This customization is done directly via entity settings. For more information, see Document number customization.

April 11, 2024

  • Payment intents can now transition to the refunded status from the payout_failed and payout_cancelled statuses.

March 14, 2024

  • The new GET /events endpoint retrieves a log of that was sent to a partner. It shows the history of events and includes events triggered while a webhook listener was unavailable.
  • Added VAT rates and regulatory coverage for Bulgaria and Finland.

March 1, 2024

  • Added the POST /payables/{payable_id}/validate endpoint that returns the information that is missing to move a payable from draft to the new state.
  • Now, when a payable’s issued_at or payment_terms fields are updated, the value of the suggested_payment_term is recalculated.
  • Our OCR supports new fields for payables:
    • line_item.vat_percentage
    • line_item.total_incl_vat
    • vat_amount
  • Added VAT rates and regulatory coverage for Israel and Pakistan.
  • Added the ability to push canceled invoices to an accounting software.
  • Added new RBAC permissions: onboarding and person.
    • The onboarding permission is required to access the following endpoints using an entity user token:
      GET /entities/{entity_id}/onboarding_requirements
      POST /onboarding_documents
      POST /persons/{person_id}/onboarding_documents
    • The person permission is required to access other /persons* endpoints using an entity user token.

February 15, 2024

Breaking changes:

  • In MoniteScript, the only value allowed for the event_name field is submitted_for_approval. The event_name and invoice fields remain mandatory.

New features and improvements:

  • New field payable.ocr_status that reflects the current status of the OCR process of a payable. Its possible values are processing, error, and success.
  • New optional type field in the request body of the POST /receivables/{receivable_id}/preview endpoint. You can use type=discount_reminder or type=final_reminder to preview reminder emails for a specific invoice. For more information, see Preview a payment reminder email.
  • PDF invoices generated by Australian entities now have currency amounts formatted accordingly.
  • New response_status_code field in the responses from GET /webhooks.

February 2, 2024

  • The turnaround time for processing a payable (including OCR data) received by email has reduced significantly.
  • New optional fields parsed to the other_extracted_data object in the responses of OCR-processed payables: sort_code and account_number.
  • New optional field unit parsed in the payables.line_items object in the responses of OCR-processed payables.
  • The requirement for at least one line item in a payable can be disabled in the partner’s settings by calling PATCH /settings passing the new field enable_line_items as false (the default value is true).
  • New query parameters to GET /counterparts to find and filter counterparts by their bank details: account_number and sort_code.
  • New optional fields in invoices and quotes: deduction_amount and deduction_memo.
  • New partner setting receivable.deduction_title to provide a custom deduction title.
  • Added VAT rates and regulatory coverage for Denmark and Luxembourg.

January 24, 2024

Breaking changes:

  • The currency of products added as line items to invoices and quotes must now match the base currency of the invoice or quote itself. Monite does not support automatic currency conversion.

  • Changed the format of document_id values in invoices, quotes, and credit notes.

    • Invoices: INV-XXXX (previously invoice-XXXX)
    • Quotes: Q-XXXX (previously quote-XXXX)
    • Credit notes: CN-XXXX (previously credit-note-XXXX)
  • Removed the unused push_statuses setting from /accounting_sync_rules.

New features and improvements:

  • Added VAT rates and regulatory coverage for Austria and Finland.

  • Country codes provided by entities and counterparts in the Canary Islands (IC) and autonomous Spanish cities—Ceuta and Melilla (EA)—must adhere to the ISO 3166 standard for those regions.

  • Added new endpoint to get the role of the authenticated entity user: GET /entity_users/my_role.

  • Added new RBAC permission: payment_record. It is required to access the /payment_records endpoints using an entity user token.

  • Added the ability to customize the email sender name and username on all outgoing emails. For more information, see Domains and mailboxes.

  • Added new id__in query parameter to GET /counterparts. Use it to bulk fetch multiple counterparts by their IDs.

  • Added new query parameters to GET /receivables to filter invoices by due date: due_date__gt, due_date__lt, due_date__gte, due_date__lte.

  • Added the due_date field to invoice responses as a convenience alias for the existing field payment_terms.term_final.end_date.

  • Added new webhooks to notify partners about the status of accounting system connections:

    • accounting_connection.pending_auth
    • accounting_connection.connected
    • accounting_connection.deauthorized
    • accounting_connection.disconnected
  • Partner setting mail.attach_documents_as_pdf now also affects purchase order emails.

  • Added an optional payout_method field to payment intents. Currently, the only possible value is "bank_account".

January 11, 2024

  • Added a new endpoint to delete an entity logo: DELETE /entities/{entity_id}/logo.

December 19, 2023

The version 2023-09-01 is now publicly available to all Monite partners. To start using this version:

  1. Change the api_version setting in your partner settings (/settings) to 2023-09-01:

    1curl -X PATCH '' \
    2 -H 'X-Monite-Version: 2023-09-01' \
    3 -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_PARTNER_TOKEN' \
    4 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    5 -d '{"api_version": "2023-09-01"}'
  2. Change the X-Monite-Version header value in all API calls to 2023-09-01. For example:

    1curl -X GET '' \
    2 -H 'X-Monite-Version: 2023-09-01' \
    3 -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

For more information, see How to upgrade.