CreditNotesTable component
is a React component that displays all credit notes created by an entity. The component shows each credit note’s amount, status, issuance date, and counterpart to which they were sent.
To access this component, the entity user must have read
permissions for the receivable
object. For more information, see List of permissions.

Use the CreditNotesTable
component in your application as follows:
A list of search filters to display above the data table. Each filter is defined by the name of the underlying data field. UI labels of the filter inputs are populated automatically.
The default filters are: credit note number (partial match), status, and counterpart.
This callback takes the identifier of the clicked row as a parameter and is triggered when a credit note table row is clicked.
The data query used to populate the table.
The object’s fields correspond to the query parameters of the GET /receivables
The type
field is required, others are optional.
Example: display only draft credit notes, newest first: