
The UserRolesTable component is a comprehensive React component that displays all user roles and their permission sets created by an entity.


To access this component, the entity user must have read permissions for the role object. For more information, see List of permissions.


UserRolesTable component preview
UserRolesTable component preview
You can move and organize the columns of the table the way you prefer.


Use the UserRolesTable component in your application as shown:

1import { UserRolesTable } from "@monite/sdk-react";
3// This component must be rendered within the MoniteProvider wrapper
4const UserRoleTablePage = () => {
5 return <UserRolesTable />;


The following table shows all UserRolesTable component properties, their types, and descriptions:

onFilterChangedfunctionThis callback is triggered when the filtering options are changed.
onRowClickfunctionThis callback takes the identifier of the clicked row as a parameter and is triggered when a user role table row is clicked.
onSortChangedfunctionThis callback is called when the current sorting order for any column is changed. It returns the newly sorted field and order.

The onSortChanged takes one argument whose value is an object with the following fields:

  • sort - the field name of the column whose sort order was changed. For example, created_at.
  • order - the new sort order, either asc or desc
2 "sort": "created_at",
3 "order": "asc" | "desc" | null
4) => void